Thursday, August 7, 2008

Families Informed About Insurance Coverage With Medical Reimbursement Resource

Medical Reimbursement Resource LLC of Houston Helps Families Stay Informed, Choose Right Insurance Coverage

Company Educates Consumers of Medicare Part C Advantage Plan Enrollment Period Deadline - March 31, 2008

Houston, TX  -  March 12 -- Medical Reimbursement Resource (MRR) LLC, a leading patient advocacy company in Houston, advises the Medicare community of March 31st Medicare Part C enrollment deadline and helps educate consumers on the best health insurance choices for their situation.

MRR professionals explain that the Medicare program is a federal program that helps senior citizens and other qualifying individuals pay for health care. Divided into parts, A, B, C, and D, Part C is an alternative to Parts A and B. Under Part C, private health
insurance companies can contract with the federal government to offer Medicare benefits through their own policies.

"Medicare Part C Advantage Plans are not for everyone. Generally the choice of providers is more limited than with traditional Medicare Parts A & B. Individuals with
special health problems and working with physicians that are important to them are recommended to remain on Medicare Parts A and B," said MRR owner Jane Lehto.

"However, it's great to have another insurance option available for Medicare beneficiaries. This is where Medicare Part C comes in," Lehto added.

Lehto and her staff help clients
choose the right insurance coverage and receive all benefits to which they are entitled under their particular policy. With over 40 plans from which to choose in Texas, it is an often difficult process through which to navigate for the unknowing consumer.

Lehto further explained that the type of candidates qualifying for the Medicare Part C, particularly the Medicare Part C Advantage Plus plan, would be those in
fragile health and on fixed incomes. The relatively new plans include either HMO's or PPO's and come with modest premiums. A vast number of physicians and hospitals participate in the plans.

"And effective this past January is the option for those switching from Medicare Parts A and B to return to their plans for whatever reason during the enrollment period from November 15 through December 31, 2008," said Lehto.

MRR also assists
patients and their families with problem health insurance claims and medical bills, benefit issues, along with insurance choices and a myriad of issues that the consumer faces in today's challenging and complex insurance world. To learn more about Medical Reimbursement Resource LLC, call 1-713-526-0955 or log onto today.

Press Contact: Philip O'Hara
Company Name: Medical Reimbursement Resource LLC 
Texas Phone: 713-526-0955

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